Alexandru cel Bun (Romania): Weather forecast for the next 7 days and accommodation
- Temperature:
Feels Like:+9°
Sunday22DecemberPartly SunnyHigh:+4°Low:-3°
Monday23DecemberPartly SunnyHigh:+3°Low:-3°
Tuesday24DecemberRain and Snow MixedHigh:+3°Low:-1°
7-day weather forecast for Alexandru cel Bun gives the latest weather forecast in any city worldwide.
Need the latest weather forecast for today in Alexandru cel Bun?
Both day and night temperatures will be at about +4ºC and -2ºC.
Winds will persist through the day from the north at 3.33 km/h.
It's forecasted 52% of humidity, followed by 1019 hPa of atmospheric pressure and 100% of cloudiness.
We anticipate drizzly weather with rain and snow and 0.13 mm of precipitation.
Interested in the latest weather in Alexandru cel Bun for tomorrow?
Maximum temperature tomorrow near +4ºC and minimum temperature near -3ºC.
West winds at 2.22 km/h. Tomorrow’s average humidity is 52%.
Cloud coverage will be 28% and the atmospheric pressure will be near 1013 hPa.
Looking for a place to stay in Alexandru cel Bun?
We can recommend Vila Blanca in Alexandru cel Bun (rating: 8.0) for a pleasant stay. You can also choose more hotels in Alexandru cel Bun.