Weather and hotels for a week in Bad Muenstereifel, Germany
- Temperature:
Feels Like:+10°
Wednesday08JanuaryRain and Snow MixedHigh:+5°Low:-1°
Thursday09JanuaryRain and Snow MixedHigh:+8°Low:-1°
Saturday11JanuaryMostly CloudyHigh:+1°Low:-4°
7-day weather forecast for Bad Muenstereifel is offering the latest weather forecast report for a week in Bad Muenstereifel and other cities worldwide.
Need the latest weather forecast for today in Bad Muenstereifel?
Maximum daytime temperature will be +10ºC and the minimum +4ºC.
Wind is expected to be from the south-southwest at 16.39 km/h for much of the day.
Other weather conditions will include 82% of humidity, 100% of cloudiness and atmospheric pressure near 988 hPa.
We anticipate wet weather with light rain and 2.44 mm of precipitation.
So don't leave your umbrella at home.
Interested in the latest weather in Bad Muenstereifel for tomorrow?
Maximum temperature tomorrow near +5ºC and minimum temperature near +1ºC.
It’s forecasted 82% of humidity, followed with southwest winds.
The atmospheric pressure will be 1003 hPa and 98% of cloudiness.
Looking for the latest weather prediction in Bad Muenstereifel for this weekend?
The minimum temperature on Saturday will be -4ºC and the highest temperature will be near +1ºC.
It’s forecasted 82% of humidity, followed by north-northeast winds.
The atmospheric pressure will be 1031 hPa and 24% of cloudiness.
Looking for a place to stay in Bad Muenstereifel?
We can recommend Silence Ferienwohnungen Mit - 2 Apartments rated 7.6 or Ferienwohnung Orchidee rated 8.2 for a stay. You can also choose more hotels in Bad Muenstereifel here.