Case Nuove (Lombardy) (Italy): Weather forecast and hotel reservation
- Temperature:
Feels Like:+5°
Thursday19DecemberPartly SunnyHigh:+6°Low:+4°
7-day weather forecast for Case Nuove (Lombardy) gives an extended weather forecast for the next 7 days in Case Nuove (Lombardy) and other cities around the globe.
Searching for an extended weather forecast in Case Nuove (Lombardy) for today?
Temperatures will reach a high near +8ºC and will dip through the evening to +4ºC.
Wind is expected to be from the north at 1.11 km/h for much of the day.
It's forecasted 66% of humidity, followed by 1028 hPa of atmospheric pressure and 98% of cloudiness.
Looking for an extended weather forecast in Case Nuove (Lombardy) for tomorrow?
The minimum temperature for December 19: +4ºC and the highest temperature: +6ºC.
North winds at 1.67 km/h. Tomorrow’s average humidity is 66%.
It’s followed by 1016 hPa of atmospheric pressure and 100% cloud coverage.
Need an extended weather forecast for this weekend in Case Nuove (Lombardy)?
Maximum Saturday’s temperature will be near +6ºC and minimum temperature will be near +3ºC.
North winds at 1.39 km/h. Today’s average humidity is 66%.
1022 hPa of atmospheric pressure and 90% cloud coverage.
Looking for a place to stay in Case Nuove (Lombardy)?
Moxy Milan Malpensa Airport rated 8.4 is a good choice for your stay. Find more hotels in Case Nuove (Lombardy).