Leamington, ON (Canada): Weather forecast for the next 7 days and hotels
- Temperature:
Feels Like:-5°
Wednesday08JanuaryPartly SunnyHigh:-4°Low:-8°
7-day weather forecast for Leamington
hotel-mix.in is offering an up-to-date weather forecast report for the next 7 days in Leamington and other places in the world.
Interested in the weather in Leamington for today?
Both day and night temperatures will be at about -3ºC and -6ºC.
Wind is expected to be from the northwest at 7.22 km/h for much of the day.
The atmospheric pressure is forecasted to be 1027 hPa with 59% of humidity, and 17% of cloudiness.
What is an up-to-date weather forecast for tomorrow in Leamington?
The minimum temperature for January 08: -8ºC and the highest temperature: -4ºC.
It’s forecasted 59% of humidity, followed with northwest winds.
Cloud coverage will be 61% and the atmospheric pressure will be near 1025 hPa.
Looking for an up-to-date weather forecast in Leamington for this weekend?
The minimum temperature on Saturday will be -6ºC and the highest temperature will be near -2ºC.
It’s forecasted 59% of humidity, followed by west-northwest winds.
Cloud coverage will be 65% and the atmospheric pressure will be near 1005 hPa.
Looking for a place to stay in Leamington?
Days Inn By Wyndham Leamington rated 8.0 is a good choice for your stay. More hotels in Leamington. Other accommodations are motels, bed & breakfasts, and cottages in Leamington.