Orange, NSW (Australia): Weather and accommodation for a week
- Temperature:
Feels Like:+22°
7-day weather forecast for Orange provides the latest weather forecast for the next week in any city worldwide and helps to find the hotel you like.
Need the latest weather forecast for today in Orange?
Both day and night temperatures will be at about +26ºC and +10ºC.
Winds will persist through the day from the east at 9.17 km/h.
The atmospheric pressure is forecasted to be 1013 hPa with 51% of humidity, and 31% of cloudiness.
Interested in the latest weather in Orange for tomorrow?
Maximum temperature tomorrow near +25ºC and minimum temperature near +10ºC.
Average humidity 51%. Average winds will be east at 9.44 km/h.
It’s followed by 1016 hPa of atmospheric pressure and 0% cloud coverage.
Looking for the latest weather prediction in Orange for this weekend?
Maximum Saturday’s temperature will be near +30ºC and minimum temperature will be near +15ºC.
Average humidity 51%. Average winds will be west at 4.44 km/h.
1009 hPa of atmospheric pressure and 2% cloud coverage.
Looking for a place to stay in Orange?
De Russie Boutique Hotel and Orange Motor Lodge are the most recommended by guests. More hotels in Orange. Feel free to check motels, apartments or aparthotels.